
Local Church
Theological Education
Speaking and Writing


We believe that it is primarily through the ministry of the local church that believers are nourished, strengthened, and prepared to testify for Christ in the world.


That's why we are committed to our local church, the Esgléisa Evangèlica de Vilassar de Mar (Evangelical Church of Vilassar de Mar). It is located in Núria’s hometown, almost 30 minutes north of Barcelona along the Mediterranean Coast. The church began as a plant in the mid-'90s and has been independent since 2004. 

Matt is an elder in the church with responsibilities that include the oversight of the teaching ministries. Núria is active in the Sunday school program and the music ministry. 

Theological Education

In the same way that nobody should entrust their physical health to a doctor who is not properly trained, Christians should not entrust the care of their souls to pastors who are not thoroughly prepared. That's why the Facultad Internacional de Teología-IBSTE (Evangelical Seminary of Spain) exists – to help equip the next generation of gifted young people for a lifetime of biblically faithful and Christ-honoring ministry. 

Matt began teaching at the seminary in the fall of 2007. At first, he filled in the gaps wherever he was needed, teaching everything from Systematic Theology to Paul's letter to the Romans to Biblical Hebrew. He is now Professor of New Testament and Hermeneutics.

The seminary affords Matt a special opportunity to teach and disciple future leaders who will serve Christ all around Spain and even in other Spanish-speaking countries. What a privilege!

Speaking and Writing

Matt has opportunities to speak and teach around Spain. He participates in the Theological Commission of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance and has published a number of academic and popular works in Spanish. See his Recursos Leighton and Academia pages for some of those resources (mostly in Spanish).