3 ways to SUPPORT US

Our support partners are an essential part of our ministry.

Would you pray about joining our monthly support team?


1. For wisdom and strength as we seek to carry out the ministry God has entrusted to us.

2. That the Lord would raise up more national pastors to care for the churches in Spain.


You may give online with a credit card or an e-Check/ACH payment via Entrusted Word Ministries.


How to give by mail

You may also send your tax deductible charitable donation by check to:

Entrusted Word Ministries

P.O. Box 1061

Littleton, CO 80160

Checks should be made out to "Entrusted Word Ministries," and the account number 4410-00 must be written on the memo line (please do not put names on the memo line, only our account number).

If you would like to receive postage paid envelopes to use for monthly check contributions, or if you would like to contribute via some other means, please contact Grace Bible Church at (760) 747-9252 or info@grcbible.org.